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Moving a Host (Endpoint) to another Subgroup

The AuthCode for each subgroup is unique, The endpoint is assigned the AuthCode for the Subgroup it belongs to during installation.

There are three ways to change the AuthCode for a Subgroup: - Use the Dashboard Host Move interface - Copy the AuthCode from the new Subgroup's Profile Settings and pasting it into the AuthCode field for the Windows WCS App Tray Dialog - Uninstall the Endpoint Agent and re-install using the Download from the new Subgroup - This is the least favored approach because the Endpoint will be vulnerable during the period of time between the Uninstall and Re-Instalation.

When you want to change a Host to a different subgroup, you can either:

Change the AuthCode using the Dashboard Move Host Interface

This is how the Dashboard is used to initiate a move from one subgroup to another:

  • The Dashboard Move marks the Host for move to a new Subgroup ID (SGID)
  • When the Host checks in the next time (App Lookup or Validation)
  • the service
    • creates a new Host record for the Endpoint in the Target Subgroup
    • returns the AuthCode for the new Subgroup to the Host
    • and marks the old Host record as
    • Disabled, and
    • being moved to the Target Subgroup
  • the Host
    • modifies it’s AuthCode setting
    • then uses that new AuthCode for all subsequent communications with the WCS service
  • If a move hasn’t completed yet, it can be canceled for the Host in its original Subgroup
  • The cancel operation just clears the Target Subgroup ID in the Host record

Change the AuthCode using the Windows WCS App Tray Dialog

This requires manually change the AuthCode in the Windows WCS App Tray Dialog - On the Dashboard - Go to the Target Subgroup in Edit Mode - Click on the "Profile Settings" icon - Copy the AuthCode field - On the Host (Endpoint) in Windows - Double-Click the Windows WCS App Tray Icon to open its dialog - Paste the Target Subgroup's AuthCode into the "Server Authorization Code" field in the Windows WCS App Tray Dialog - Click on the "Validate" button to validate that the Host can connectd to the Target Subgroup - Verify that the Target Subgroup's name appears in the validation message box