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WCS Installer Packages

Installer Packages

There are two types of installer packages that can be downloaded from the dashboard using the Download Protection button in the Subgroup Profile:

  • Universal EXE Installer (via Install Now button)
  • 64-bit and 32-bit MSI Installer Packages

EXE based installer package

  • Supports both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms
  • Installs the Visual C++ 2008 redistributable pre-requisite package
  • Includes updater that can be used to find, download, and install a WCS update
  • Supports silent installs using /quiet (no end user interaction) and/or /qn (no end user interface) flags
  • Platform specific MSI Installers (via Download MSI Packages button)

MSI based installer packages

  • Separate installers for 32-bit and 64-bit
  • DOES NOT install the Visual C++ 2008 redistributable pre-requisite package, this must already be installed on the target for WCS installation to succeed
  • DOES NOT include updater package, updates are generally pushed out via the same method used for the original installation
  • No arguments required for normal installation; supports silent installs using /quiet (no end user interaction) and/or /qn (no end user interface) flags

NOTE: Do not modify the name of the installer package that is downloaded from the dashboard (see notes below for exceptions) The filename is in a very specific format that provides important information to the installer, specifically:

The subgroup authorization code, and The server name used to access the account

The filename includes the following components separated by a dash (-):

  • The string WCSSetup
  • The version number (e.g., 1.3.7)
  • The platform (e.g., Windows, Windows_x86, Windows_x64)
  • The AuthCode (e.g., 1234567890abababababababababab1234567890)
  • The Server URL (e.g.,


Notes Regarding Updates

The filename restrictions described above only apply to the first installation on a system. If you are updating to the most recent version, the installer package recognizes that it is installing an update and it uses the information that is already in the registry for that system. The subgroup authorization code and server name embedded in the filename are ignored when updating to the most recent version.

Examples for Updates:


External Configuration File

There is a second option for specifying the subgroup authorization code and server name by using an external configuration file. The external configuration file is a JSON formatted text file that contains the subgroup authorization code and server name rather than having them embedded in the installer filename.

The external configuration file is named WCSSetup-Config.json and must be in the same directory as the installer when it is launched. The contents of the WCSSetup-Config.json file is a single line of JSON formatted text:


HTTPS Proxy Settings

A HTTPS Proxy can be set in this external configuration file using the "proxy" keyword. The proxy settings are usually in the format "IPADDR:PORT" or "HOSTNAME:PORT".

This example would set the name of the proxy server to 'myproxy' and the port for the proxy server to '8080'.


Command Line Public Properties

There is a third option for specifying the subgroup authorization code and server name by using public properties on the installer command line. The name of the public property contains only uppercase letters and is specified on the command line like this: PROPERTY=value. You must specify the subgroup authorization code (property name AUTHCODE). If you do not specify a server name (property name SIGSURL), it will default to

Example MSI command line:

msiexec.exe /i WCSSetup-1.3.7-Windows_x64.msi AUTHCODE=1234567890abababababababababab1234567890

Example EXE command line:

WCSSetup-1.3.7-Windows.exe AUTHCODE=1234567890abababababababababab1234567890

Configuration Settings Priority Order

If there are multiple sources of information available, the installer/updater uses the following priority order when configuring the subgroup authorization code and server name:

Settings already in the Registry (should only apply to updates) Settings embedded in the installer filename Settings specified via command line public properties Settings contained in the external configuration file


Advanced Installer User Guide - Silent installation package Advanced Installer User Guide - Msiexec.exe Command Line Windows Dev Center - Msiexec (command-line options)