Release Notes: Version 1.4.1 (2019-02-07)
Go to the Start Menu > All Programs > White Cloud Security > Update White Cloud Security
Right click the Tray App, then select Check for Updates
- [#650] handle the __PSScriptPolicyTest PowerShell files on Windows 10 systems
- [#649] support for allowing the remote dashboard to control new settings options
- [#645] update settings dialog to support Splunk logging option
- [#643] option to write Unknown and Trusted information to CSV format for Splunk ingestion
- [#648] added Harvester option to write data as CSV format for Splunk ingestion
- [#651] update settings dialog to support PowerShell Admin Mode option
- [#392] enable SystemModeImage option to check system driver files
- [#652] Windows Application logs now include the code signing cert SHA1 hash
- [#644] expanded the size of the settings dialog to support more options
- [#654] include Windows version information in account info query
Bug Fixes:
- [#633] resolved issue where installer was creating URLs as ALL CAPS
Known Issues:
- [#196] uninstall does not register with server for systems running Windows XP, Windows 2000, Server 2003
- [#272] standalone MSI installer package right-click "Repair" may fail and rollback
- [#388] clicking cancel during the install may result in indeterminate state