Create New Account
Click "Create New Account"
Click the "Account's First Name: *" field.
Add Account First and Last Name and Email Address, click on "Sign Up" button
The new account owner will received two emails. One with a temporary password and the other with an activation link.
Click here.
The account owner should open the "New Account Email" to use the Activation link
The account owner can either click on the "Activate Your Account" button or copy the activation link and paste it into a browser.
Click the "Your Email/Login ID" field.
Click the "Password *" field.
The account owner should fill in their Email address and temporary password, and Click the "Login" button.
The Dashboard will open their Account Profile Setting, giving the new account owner an opportunity to change their first and last name. They can create an account "nickname" by clicking the "Enter your nickname" field.
Click "Continue" to Activate the Account..
The Dashboard will open. The new Account Owner can click on their "Profile Setting" icon to change their account settings such as their Alert Notification Email address or to upload an avatar for thier account.
Click on the "Change Photo" button to change the account avatar.
The Browser will open a file selection dialog. Navigate to the folder with the avatar. Select the avatar image and click "Upload Photo"
Click the "Appy Changes" button
If a new account owner clicks on "Groups I Manage" in the "Main Menu," they won't see any Security Groups yet. An Org Admin must add their account to the Organization after activation. After adding them to the Organization, an Administrator needs to add their account to an Admin Group to access specific Security Groups within the Organization.